Fun Stories About What Is Happening Here / by David Campbell

From the vantage point that we have it appears as though things in the USA are in turmoil.  Likely that is not reality.  However, through the media outlets that we have access to, it seems like this is the case.  We want you to know that our hearts and prayers are with you all.  Part of what God called us to do here was to inspire and encourage our brothers and sisters at home toward what is possible with God.  We live in a post-Christian, first-world, country filled with people from every nation, ethnic group, and religion on the planet.  What happens here can happen anywhere.  What happens with our family can happen anywhere.  We believe that one of the greatest gifts that God has given us is our normalcy.  He sent us as regular people to be a testimony to other people who feel less than prepared for what God has called them to.

Our goal is to ask Jesus, each day, what we should do.

This past Sunday we were praying early in the morning, asking Jesus what He wanted us to do on this day.  He showed us a picture of a small table set up at Mauerpark ministering to spiritually hungry people.  So our job is child like simple obedience.  We borrowed a small table, made a paper sign, grabbed a role of tape, filled our water bottles and headed out the door.  

It turned out to be an absolutely amazing time.  At least two people we witnessed gave their lives to Jesus.  Several people were healed.  Many people heard Jesus speak to them for the first time ever!  We watched Jesus break into these people's live and meet them exactly where they were.  Some needed healing, some needed a miracle, some needed to mend broken relationship, some needed encouragement, but all needed Jesus.  We dropped our overtly religious language and just let Jesus use us to meet these people.  It was an amazing and fun time.  

The following day we headed to a different part of Berlin, got off the train and began winding our way, on foot, through Berlin.  We had amazing encounters sharing Jesus, making new friends, and getting to speak to people from Germany, Poland, Cameroon, Senegal, and another West African country I have never heard of before :).

The next day we met up with some friends.  It is hard to call them refugees because we do not see them as refugees.  These guys are friends.  They are fun to spend time with.  And they are just funny! We went to the Turkish Market and hung out by the canal.  I do not know the extent to which these men got to hang out with Jesus followers in Syria and Iraq. On this day Jesus directed us that the best thing we could do was to just be with these guys.

Wednesday, we needed to take care of some administrative items and then meet up in the evening with three men the middle east/central Asia area who wanted to know more about Jesus.  These men gave their lives to Jesus and expressed a desire to be baptized.  (In the event that you are bothered about how fast we baptize people here, please keep in mind that biblically the longest period between belief and baptism in the bible is 3 days.  This was the apostle Paul and he fasted during those days.  Every other account was immediate.  Again our goal is simple child-like obedience to Jesus.)

Yesterday, we met with a friend who is pastoring a church here in Berlin while the rest of our team baptized the three men.  They had a wonderful time of communion, foot-washing, worship, baptism, and ministering the Word.  In the afternoon, we decided to go across Berlin to the Gelato festival.  This is obviously where Jesus would go, right?  As we got on the train we met an older lady whom we ministered to in prayer.  What was more beautiful was that it seemed her smile and joy ministered more to us!.  We rode on the train and noticed a young man with a T-shirt that said, "Jesus Revolution" so we struck up conversation.  It turns out this group of young people had recently come to Christ and had been meeting in their homes for worship, bible study, and prayer.  We are now connected to them and have the opportunity to bless what they are doing.   At the next train stop, we met a young man from Pakistan and had a brief encounter and we were able to pray for his family in Pakistan.  As we finish praying, we met a young man from Syria.  Some people you meet, you instantly know you will be connected to them forever.  We are so excited to continue this friendship with this man.  We will be getting together for coffee in the next couple of days.  Last night, Keri was able to express her mother's heart to a young 16 year old boy from Palestine. It was his birthday, and he was a long way from "home". He was sick and had never had a birthday party in his life. This young man is separated from his family and living in what many would refer to as an orphanage.  Some times ministry is being a mother or father or brother or sister to those who are in need. Expressing love and prayers over SMS and asking the LORD what He would have you to say to someone.

So what is happening today?  That remains to be seen.  One of the Heims that we do fitness classes in, has invited us to a party.  We know Jesus likes to go to parties!  So this is where we believe Jesus will be.  We expectantly look forward to seeing Jesus minister at this party! Would you join us in praying?

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of "building a ministry" it is easy to momentarily loose sight of the fact that God has called us to live our lives out loud.  Our goal is to hear Jesus and do what He says.  Then we aim to help others hear Him as well and do what He says.  The Lord is establishing something amazing here in Berlin, but we believe that the best way to reach that is for us to take simple child-like steps of obedient faith.

Today, ask Jesus what He wants you to do.  Where does He want you to go? We are confident that what happens here can happen in Texas or any other place in this beautiful world!  Surrender your life again to Jesus today. Sit and wait with open hands and few words from your lips as the LORD reveals what HE has for you today.... It would bless us and many others if you would comment here what the LORD shows up and what took place!  It will be an encouragement to all who reads and faith will be made stronger!!!