How May I Serve You? / by David Campbell

"How may I serve you?"

When you hear these words, what comes to mind? I was laughing at the thought of it being an employee at a fast food restaurant! (Mostly because drive thru's are not really a thing here in Berlin and I may or may not be dreaming of Chikfila...I digress.)

Since the week of Christmas we have had an amazing team of ten beautiful people living with us. In addition to the team, our crazy awesome friend, David Watson, has returned to live with us for a while. This team is with YWAM and has completed their three months of lecture phase in Kona, Hawaii. They spent the past two months living in our home. Discipling and being discipled, ministering, praying with us and over us, cooking, loving our family like crazy, crying, laughing, being silent. These lovely people have become our family and I just would not have it any other way. I feel as though the Father has given me such a huge gift in these beautiful people. 

Something happens in the dying of self phase that I love. When someone is consistently putting others ahead of himself or herself, the Holy Spirit is free to love and comfort and minister in really amazing ways! And when we allow the Spirit to do that, we get energized and spurred on in really amazing ways as well!

One of the most common phrases I have heard in our home in the last two months is "How may I serve you?" This has blessed our home and our hearts more than I can say. As someone who loves to serve, I feel my cup has been filled to overflowing and I cannot wait until the next team arrives in April!

May I challenge you today to ask the question? Maybe the challenge would be serving one person for you...maybe three. But as you get ready for your day, ask the LORD who He has in mind for you to serve. Then ask Him if you could be His hands, feet, and words to this person or people.

What a gift it is to serve. Remembering that our Savior did not come to this earth to be served, but to serve reminds us that His example in serving others is surely an important one to follow!

Be blessed this day as you think of others before yourself. Be blessed this day as you serve in unique and brilliant ways! The LORD knows our hearts and knows exactly what will speak to us. Ask Him how you can personally extend His love and kindness to someone in your life. God is such a creative King and He delights in watching you love and care for His people! 

Mark 10:45 "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."