Just Some Happenings In Berlin / by David Campbell


Well a lot is happening in Berlin these days.  It is always a struggle to find time to sit and write about what's going on as things seem to happen so fast.  For me (David) it takes a while to pray about things and process them just to have something to post. 

To say that God is on the move here is an understatement.  We are seeing continuing evidence of God moving in great power. It is amazing the level of spiritual hunger in this place and at the same time so much darkness.  These "random"  meetings of people are beginning to move into us being invited into homes.  We are greatful for The Lord, but sometimes we get overwhelmed by the enormity of the task and the need for more workers.  Oh, please pray for these wonderful awesome people The Lord is bringing to us!  I had tried to video some of the amazing things The Lord is doing only to have my camera fail.  It is pretty awkward to ask to video things like this, so perhaps it is for the best.

A little over a month ago we began meeting for church as a team and The Lord has been so gracious to begin to bring other liked minded and like hearted people to join us. It has been a truly wonderful blessing for us and so encouraging.  

This month we have several friends from our DTS in Kona staying with us and spending some time getting their hands dirty with our team.  It has been a joy to see the bonding of teammates and friends together as we all walk through engaging this city together.  It is a sweet joy to introduce friend to friends! 

One of the things we are working on is helping start a new DTS (Discipleship Training School) that will be held here in Berlin this next spring.  We are so excited about how this is coming together and want to encourage you to think about spending 5 months doing your DTS with YWAM Berlin.  We believe this will be a life changing experience  as you learn how to Know God and Make Him Known!  If you and/or your family is interested in knowing more about this please let us know!

As some of you know and have been praying, Ben has been having challenges with anxiety at school.  Keri has been so patient and wonderful helping him slowly transition during this time.  She sits in on his kindergarten class all day with a couple of fifteen minute breaks. I am so honored and grateful to be married to such a wonderful woman of God! 

Our second visa appointment is coming up on the 23rd of this month. Please be in prayer with us that we have all they want and that we get these visas! 

We just wanted to give you a quick update and wish you all could be here with us!